Monday, December 10, 2012

16 Weeks

We just hit the four month mark and I am definitely feeling good these days!  Morning sickness didn't get the best of me, but pure exhaustion paired with the cold of the century sure did.  With all that behind me, I'm finally seeing 9:30pm for the first time on a work night in a long time!

No crazy cravings as of yet...just the need for a good turkey sandwich, piece of pizza (or 3) and my go-to of peanut butter on toast quite regularly.  Basically all things unhealthy sound pretty good.  Josh is getting a kick out of my weekend breakfast of fried eggs and toast, because we definitely thought eggs would be my food aversion.  And I cannot wait to get back to Dallas over Christmas and go to town on some queso and fajitas!

The bump is definitely starting to grow and with it are coming some crazy, vivid dreams.  Some so real and clear, I have a hard time determining if they actually are dreams.  I'm also suffering from a pretty bad case of baby brain.  I have determined that I should basically stop talking for the next 5 months.  Sometimes Josh just looks at me and stares as if he cannot figure out what I am trying to say.  But, I have mastered the art of designated driving - shoving as many people as possible into our 2 door Toyota Celica at all hours of the morning...glad I am useful for something!

1 comment:

  1. You are BEAUTIFUL! I cannot wait to rub and hug that belly!!!!
